The residential solution for energy efficiency.
MTM’s HOME micro-generator was created to respond to the growing demand for self-production of small businesses and private homes, and is among the most compact, silent and reliable micro CHPs available on the market.
Why choose our HOME 5.5
Our company has had many years’ experience in the energy sector successfully implementing major Cogeneration projects involving renewable and non-renewable sources, and using its own highly efficient plants to produce energy as a form of investment.
By working with important multinational companies, we can now offer a professional and comprehensive service for achieving energy efficient buildings.
The HOME micro-generator has been designed to have a useful life of 80,000 h and is guaranteed for 5 years from start-up.
HOME 5.5
Motore DACHS
Potenza elettrica 5,5 kW
Rendimento elettrico 27 %
Potenza elettrica 20 kW
Rendimento elettrico 32,7 %